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Join me on my travels through Africa

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cape Town to Nairobi Day 3

Every morning we wake up around 6 am so we can have our bags packed, tents down, breakfast and truck packed by 7am. Breakfast is usually cold cereal, yogurt, and fruit. Some people have coffee or tea but I just find it too hot.

So day 3 we're up early and on the road heading to the Namibia Desert where we'll spend 2 nights. Alot of our roads are washed out so we spend some extra time detouring. Yay, more time in the truck in the sweltering heat! We still stop frequently, we try for every 2 hours, to take pictures, bathroom breaks, and stretch.

Today seemed to be snake day! First was a King Cobra that tried to climb into our truck and so we had to keep moving it. Second was a Black Momba, seen in the pic with our driver Jan (pronounced Yawn), and lastly was a Yellow Cobra that was sneaking in to huge bird nest. AMAZING!!!! A very exciting day! It must be from all the rain that the snakes are out. Marrietta (sometimes I call her Maza), our guide said she has never seen so many snakes in one day.

We made it to camp in the late afternoon and set up camp then we were on our own to check out the pool or hike some near by small dunes. I went off exploring with Lawn from Oregon and Naomi from Britain. We were looking for more snakes and checking out some of the crazy bugs in the area

The bugs in the area are HUGE!! Moths, beetles, crickets, all of them!! So after some adventures we sat around and had a few beers. Our start the next morning would be at 5am!!

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