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Monday, April 11, 2011

Cape Town to Nairobi Day 21 Victoria Falls

Liz and I went on an Elephant ride this morning and I have to say IT ROCKED!! IT WAS AMAZING!! There are 9 elephants ranging in size and age that have all been rescued or abandoned. My elephants name is Danny and he is 46 years old and HUGE!! He was the largest or possibly second largest in the herd.

The elephants get to walk around in the wild when they aren’t being used to give tours. One day about a year ago the herd went out for a few days and came back with a baby elephant about 9 months old. No one knows what happened to the mother or where exactly it came from but there he was! Another story they told us was that about 10 years ago one of the female elephants was kidnapped by a herd of wild elephants that had came into the area. She was gone for nearly a year when she suddenly just appeared back at the tour center PREGNANT! LOL, now her baby is the youngest elephant to ride, nearly 9 years old. We rode the elephants for nearly an hour and trekked through water about 6 feet deep and wandered through the forest. After words our elephants let us sit on their knee and feed them treats and rub them all up. IT ROCKED!!

After lunch I went out on a Micro Flight. It’s basically a hang glider with a lawn mower engine on the back. At first I thought it felt like I was riding on the back of a motorcycle…. And then we lifted off!! I was so scared! I warned my guy flying it that I might scream and possibly pee myself! He said either would be okay but he preferred I didn’t. He was a great pilot. I’m sure he told me how high we were but I mentally blocked it out. It was the most amazing flight I have even been on and I’ve flown a fair bit. I was just sitting out in the open air flying over one of the natural wonders of the world. It’s hard to explain how thrilling it was. The only way to steer was just a 4 ft bar that the pilot held on to…..sometimes! My guy kept letting go of the bar and telling me to wave with him at the camera that was strapped to the wing. Since you are out in the open wind you aren’t allowed to carry anything with you, which means no personal cameras and then of course they charge you $20 to buy a CD with your pics from the glider. But it was great to be able to just enjoy the moment without trying to take a million pics for all of you at home.

By the way, the exchange rate here is roughly 4,500 Kwatcha to 1 CND!! I have no idea what I’m paying for anything! LMAO!! It cost me 120,000 kwatcha to get my laundry done which was something like $25 and I kept a receipt from dinner the other night that cost me 127,000! LOL I’m trying to get my hands on a Trillion dollar bill before I leave and I’m hoping to get it in exchange for a pair of socks!

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