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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cape Town to Nairobi Day 29 Iringa, Tanzania

A very long day of driving, 12 hours, and lots of rain. Who knew this was going to be the rainy season??? LOL, actually I did know, I just didn’t expect this much rain! I upgraded to a room at our campground in is a beautifully transformed horse stable. And there was an ALMOST hot shower!! AHHHH !!!It was only $15 USD for the night so what the hell! It gives my sleeping bag a chance to dry out from the downpour that hit us with our tent windows open at 2am! My tent mate is toughing it out with the tent because she says she is on a “budget”. For starters, what the hell is a budget? And secondly, don’t talk about being on a budget when you’re in the bar drinking every night! I came on this trip with no budget. I’m never coming back so I’m gonna make sure I have a good time NOW, and besides, when it comes to money… I make it to spend it!!

We stopped for lunch near the road and before we even got out of the truck there was a group of kids sneaking up on us. Our truck driver chased them off but they stayed near, laying in the grass waiting to see if we would give them any leftovers…. Which of course we almost always do! I asked if I could take their picture and they said no so I turned to walk away, then they started yelling at me “yes, yes,yes” I got a couple shots of them and showed them the pictures. They were all amazed that I could show them their pictures, lol. They were only about 8-10 years old. Primary school is free but secondary school costs money so children usually only get to go to the first couple years of school.

At this point I would say I have approximately 30 bug bites…. per leg from an assortment of insects that are driving me completely mad! Most of them are on my feet or ankles. One of the girls scratched her feet so bad in her sleep that she now has a gaping wound of approximately a half inch wide by and inch long down the top of her foot! YUCK! I keep telling her she’s going to get maggots in it from all the flies! LOL, she wont, but the reminder keeps her paranoid enough to keep it clean and bandaged!

That reminds me, my leg muscles have been cramping up, I better start drinking more bottled water and eating the fresh fruit! Lots of bananas, pineapple, mangos, avacodo along with cashews (their 3rd biggest export!) after coffee and tea. Yum Yum in my tum tum! Which reminds me, the public bathrooms I saw at a gas station today are a MUST see to believe so I’ll have to get pictures tomorrow!! GAG!!

The other day I accidently doubled up my Malaria meds ( I forgot that I already took it so I took a second one to make sure). My tent mate walked in just as I was ripping my bags apart looking for my dog, Saskie! LMAO! These meds make us all crazy! Lots of us talk in our sleep, including me! One girl is constantly trying to escape from her tent at night, sometimes screaming and yelling, lol. A woman puked down the side o the truck yesterday morning. It’s all kinda funny. We keep thinking the meds might be worse than the Malaria but our guide Maza assures us otherwise. She has had it once but another guide has had it 13 times! When you live here you don’t take Malaria meds because you aren’t suppose to take them for longer than 6 months at a time so it’s pointless.  

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